A general framework to develop material models (UMAT) in ABAQUS
fibdir.for File Reference

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subroutine fibdir (FIB, ST0, ST, NE, NOEL, NDI, VORIF, VD, DISTGR, DFGRD1)

Function/Subroutine Documentation

subroutine fibdir ( double precision, dimension(ne,4)  FIB,
double precision, dimension(3,3)  ST0,
double precision, dimension(3,3)  ST,
integer  NE,
integer  NOEL,
integer  NDI,
double precision, dimension(3)  VORIF,
double precision, dimension(3)  VD,
double precision, dimension(3,3)  DISTGR,
double precision, dimension(3,3)  DFGRD1 

Definition at line 2 of file fibdir.for.

Here is the caller graph for this function: